Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Most Effective Way to Lose Weight Quickly - Get Started and Get Your Confidence Back

Crash dieting and heavy exercising is certainly not the most effective way to lose weight quickly. Rather it can consequent in something totally opposite. It has been seen that crash dieting, though showing early signs of weight loss, have proved ineffective in the long run. Actually the reason behind is that, after crash dieting when we start having our normal food, our body tends to store away the available fat in case, a situation of reduced consumption of food happens again, and we end up going back to square zero.
Rather first of all, you should know about, the Body Mass Index that you should have, and the Body Mass Index that you actually have. If your BMI is quite more than what it should be, then you might be termed as obese. However, this is the first step that you need to take towards losing weight- identify and accept that you are overweight.
Obesity and weight loss certainly do not go hand in hand. In fact the more obese you are, the more is the effort that you need to put in to deal with it. However, knowing the exact way to go about it always helps. Therefore, here are a few tips on how to lose weight quickly and efficiently.
  • Eat food, which do not contain high amount of fat and cholesterol.
  • Cut your consumption of favorite food by half.
  • Having healthy food does not necessarily mean having insipid food. There are many fat-free lower alternatives of our daily foods available in market.
  • Keep having small meals all through the day. In this way, you end up having lesser food than normal, and yet do not feel hungry.
  • Be a bit finicky about the oil that you use for cooking your food, and make sure it is natural and contains appropriate amount of Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids, which are essential for our health.
  • Eat a lot of fibrous food.
  • Walking is a great way to burn of those extra calories, so make sure you go on early morning walks or still better on early morning jogs. In fact, this is one of the most effective way to lose weight quickly.
  • While climbing stairs instead of covering one-step, cover two steps in one stride, trust me in this way you end up burning a lot of calories.
  • Drinking loads of water is also one of the most effective way to lose weight quickly, as it helps us in flushing out the toxins and controlling our appetite.
  • Participate in physical sports and exercise daily.
My #1 recommendation on losing weight? Here is the secret of the most quickest and effective ways to lose weight and burning your belly fat that has been proven and tested time and time again.

Losing Weight Without Doing Exercise - Is This Really Possible?

Losing weight without doing exercise is theoretically possible, however prior to commencing this type of diet the reason for avoiding exercise should be questioned. This is because exercise is generally regarded as good for your health, both physically and mentally. Plus any diet that includes exercise will almost certainly be more successful and healthy than a diet without exercise.
To be successful in losing weight whilst not exercising you need to consume fewer calories than you are burning in your everyday tasks. Even if you don't do any exercise your body still consumes calories to perform its normal physiological function. Plus we normally have to walk from the television to the bathroom and all these small tasks consume calories. This means you have to carefully monitor your diet; you need to consume the right nutrients and fiber but without too many sugars and fats.
The next factor that will determine how much weight you lose is your metabolic rate. This is the rate at which your body burns up energy. The higher it is the faster you will burn off calories. When you exercise the metabolic rate increases. However, as you are trying to avoid exercise in this diet you will need to consider other options. The other way to increase your metabolism is through your diet. For example, by including the Red Detox Tea this increases metabolism whilst providing many nutrients. Coffee also increases the metabolism but unlike Red Detox Tea it provides very little in the way of nutrients, plus it dehydrates the body and will likely lead to increased hunger making your diet even harder job than it already is.
In conclusion, losing weight without doing exercise is possible however you should consider carefully your reasons for avoiding exercise in the first place. If you can motivate yourself to include exercise, and your physician has no reason to object, then this will increase your chances of success and provide a range of healthy benefits.
Click here to know secret of the most quickest and effective way of losing weight that has been proven and tested time and time again, I highly recommend you watching this.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Three Proven Principles on Losing 5kg of Body Fat Every Week

When it comes to losing weight, there are only three principles that every fat loss enthusiast needs to remember. These three principles are: learning how to consistently eat a balanced and healthy diet, cutting out foods high in simple carbohydrates and supplementing your efforts to maximize your results and increase your chances of success. After reading this article you will be ready to make the transformation to a healthier and more confident you.
Learning how to consistently eat a balanced and healthy diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to losing weight. Although there are numerous different elements involved with building a diet, it's always best to use your common sense when choosing which foods to eat (for example opt for a fruit salad instead of burger and chips).
Also, there's no point eating healthy and keeping to your diet 3 or 4 days out of 7, consistency plays a huge part in whether you'll succeed or fail in your weight loss transformation. My advice, as a professional personal trainer and nutrition expert with 10 years experience is that you can't go wrong with eating a diet high in protein and low in saturated fat and simple carbohydrates.
You may be wondering what a simple carbohydrate is? Basically a simple carbohydrate is anything that contains a high proportion of sugar; you can identify these by simply looking at the label.
Eating foods high in sugar will be to your detriment for lots of different reasons; For example, did you know that eating sugar spikes your body's insulin and actually makes your hungrier?
My advice is that you replace simple carbohydrates (such as: sugary drinks, chocolate and milk) with complex carbohydrates (such as: bread, oats and rice) wherever possible in your diet. If you can stick to this, you are well on your way to dropping lbs of fat.
But what if instead of losing 2-3 lbs of fat per week, you could lose up to 10 lbs?
Still unknown to many people trying to lose weight today, there are supplements available that are 100% natural and that help to speed up the human body's fat burning abilities. As a professional, I recommend supplements such as this for a few different reasons:
1. Achieve your goals quicker - Obviously if you're losing up to three times the weight you would be losing you're going to achieve your goal quicker, which can only be thought of as an advantage.
2. Help keep motivation - As I mentioned earlier on in the article, consistency is everything when trying to lose weight. If you can't actually see the weight dropping off you (which without the extra help these supplements give, it can sometimes be difficult to really notice a difference week by week) it's extremely easy to lose motivation and give up altogether.
This RedTeaDetox have been proven to shed out your pounds effectively and it is one of the best supplements/juices of weight loss out there by maximizingly stopping your hunger cravings and helps you shed a huge amount of fat just in 72 hours.

If you also want to effectively lose huge amount of fats through exercise in 2 Weeks (with reviews that most people who used this diet plan have reportedly lost 5kg in a week and 17 pounds in 14 days) then you might want to check this 2 Week Diet Plan Trend this 2018.

Now that you have everything you need to start your weight loss transformation, all that's left to do is to take action. Remember to consistently eat a healthy and balanced diet, cut out foods high in sugar and use natural supplements to maximize your bodies fat burning potential. Put the information that I've given you in this article to use today and I assure you that you'll be 10 lbs lighter in no time at all.

Things You Can Do To Lose Weight Fast!

Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast. We know the usual "watch your diet and exercise regularly" routine. But if it is as simple as that, then there wouldn't be so many fat people in this world!
Amidst all the lies and hype surrounding the weight loss industry, it can be hard to separate the hype and lies from the truth. That's why in today's article, I'm going to share with you 14 things you must do to lose weight fast. Following these 14 tips will help you to lose weight safely and stay lean all year-round.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #1: Stop eating only salads
This is a well-known habit especially among female office workers. You order a big salad with nothing but greens. Your colleagues see what you eat and applaud your efforts to lose weight. But before 2pm, you get hungry and start looking for cookies and chocolates to snack. How's that for one step forward and two steps back in your fat loss attempt? While there's nothing wrong with having salads for lunch, you should add some good clean protein such as eggs and chicken breasts and also good fats such as avocados or guacamole into your salads as well. Remember this: Every meal should have a protein element. These protein and fat make you feel more satisfied after the meal and will sustain your blood sugar levels for a longer period so you won't be looking for unhealthy snacks around the office right after lunch.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #2: Replace all the unhealthy snacks at home and in your office
Contrary to popular belief, snacking is actually productive for fat loss. Snacking on healthy snacks in between meals will help maintain a steady blood glucose level and also keep your metabolism elevated. Since people snack on convenience and the general availability of food around them, it is important to keep only healthy snacks such as dark chocolate, nuts, trail mixes, fruits or even beef jerky within easy reach. Throw all the others away. Or give them to a colleague you hate.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #3: Start a simple exercise routine
Every fat loss program needs to have an exercise component. It doesn't even have to an actual exercise like jogging or swimming. If you have never exercised before in your life, you can even start something as simple as brisk walking every day for 20 minutes and work up the intensity from there. The main objective is staying active and turning up your metabolism. As you get fitter (and you will), crank up the intensity and challenge your body to reach new heights of fitness.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #4: Stop the steady state jogging
If you have been jogging for some time and haven't seen any significant weight loss results, then it's time for you to move on to more challenging exercises. Jogging is a good exercise to build your cardiovascular endurance, but not the best for fat loss. To effective burn fat, you need a workout that elevates your heart rate to at least 80% of your maximum heart rate and burns the most number of calories in the shortest period of time. Full body exercises such as burpees, squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses and rows gives you the most bang for your time spent on exercising. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 30 second break in between for 3 sets before moving onto the next. Do this for 10 - 15 minutes a day and you will see results beyond what you have experienced from months of jogging.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #5: Don't avoid carbohydrates completely
When carbs replaced fats as the main contributor of weight gain, many people are avoiding all known types of carbs completely. I personally have a colleague who shuns carbs like the plague. Let me set the record straight. Not all carbs are bad. Our bodies need carbs to function properly. Carbs are our bodies' main source of energy. In fact, our brain functions primarily on carbs. Depriving your body of carbs can have detrimental effects on your body. Every type food has its time and place to be consumed. As a general rule, you should only consume low glycemic carbs such as brown rice, dark leafy vegetables, multi-grain bread, oatmeal, etc. High glycemic foods such as bananas, juices, white rice, potatoes and other processed foods are best consumed only right after an intense exercise.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #6: Set realistic and measurable goals
A lot of people give up on a training or fat loss program after a week or so because they did not see the results they were expecting. First of all, you have to remember that you didn't get fat overnight. So you should not expect a miracle weight loss to happen as well. Setting realistic and measurable goals will help keep you motivated and continue towards your ultimate weight loss goal. So what considered as a realistic goal? Losing 0.5-1kg (1-2 lbs) a week is a realistic. Losing half an inch on your waist after two weeks is realistic. Of course, you have to be completely honest with yourself when you are accessing these goals. Ask yourself if you are really following the exercise program religiously? How many times did you cheat on your diet?
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #7: Focus on building muscle
Some people may disagree with me that exercising and muscle-building is important for fat loss. To me, fat loss is all about changing our body composition - reducing the fat mass and increasing fat-free mass (muscles). Increasing fat-free mass will invariably contribute to the lowering of fat mass. For each pound of muscle your body has, you burn an extra 35-50 calories a day. Fat on the other hand burns only 2 calories per pound. So the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be. And contrary to popular belief, having more muscles is what will give your body those sexy curves that the opposite sex desires.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #8: Invest in a whey protein or meal replacement supplement
Having 3 meals a day with 3 snacks times in between is not always easy to prepare. That's why for convenience purposes, it's recommended that you purchase a good whey protein or meal replacement supplement. Just add water or milk and you have one serving of quality protein.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #9: Make small changes and stick with them for 21 days
Let's be honest with ourselves. Fat loss involves some behavioral and lifestyle change. Your current lifestyle got you to the state that you are now. Continuing down this path obviously is not the quickest way to lose weight. We all know behavioral change is the hardest thing. This is why we need to make little changes every day that is more acceptable to our bodies. For example, if you currently drink two cans of soda every day, cut down to one can a day. Then next week, cut down to one can every two days. You get the picture. And for any program that you decide to get started, stick with it for 21 days. Statistics have shown that any behavioral change takes 21 to accept and approximately 60 days to form into a habit. So no matter how much you hate a current diet or exercise program, persevere for 21 days. You will be glad you did.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #10: Surround yourself with like-minded people
Some people are very dependent on social support, while others not so much. If you belong to the former group, it is important that you factor this aspect of motivation especially when you are starting out on a fat loss program. During the initial 21 days, it is important to stay motivated and focused on the goals you have set for yourself. You are bound to encounter challenges and struggles as you go through the program. Such as days when your thighs are so sore after doing full body squats or even good news like when you succeed in losing an inch off your waist. If you have friends who are doing the fat loss program with you, great! Share your results and how you feel about the program with them. Talk to fitness professionals; join online communities or Facebook groups to share experiences and gain knowledge. Also, don't just focus on the fat loss part. Get into the whole health and fitness experience. Buy fitness magazines, visit fitness websites. Look at physiques you desire to achieve and set them as your desktop wallpaper. Do whatever you need to stay motivated.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #11: Train your legs
I'm not just talking about jogging here; I'm referring to doing heavy squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc. If you have ever done squats before, you will know that it is one of the most demanding exercises in the world. You pant and sweat like a dog as if you have sprinted a mile. But it is also one of the best exercises for building overall strength and of course burning calories. Leg exercises such as squats are usually compound exercises and as such burns more calories. Even if you are not doing weighted squats, just doing body weight squats alone can be just as challenging. To be honest, in my first 5 years of training, I never once trained my legs. I always thought the upper body is more important and doing squats could stunt your vertical growth. That is all a fallacy. Ever since I started doing squats, my strength went through the roof and my body fat levels have remained consistently low all year-round. Now I do squats at least once a week otherwise my workout is never complete. If you have never trained your legs before, trust me, start your workouts with squats and you will be amazed by the results you see. And yes, you can thank me later.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #12: Keep a meal diary
Many people don't realize how many calories they consume every day. You think you are eating less by skipping a meal here and there. But you never consider those sodas, grande Frappuccinos or those cookies distributed by your colleagues that you so casually put in your mouth during the day. If you take down everything (and I mean every single thing including those mentos) that you eat into a meal diary, you will be surprised how many calories you are taking. Yes, I know it's quite a pain to record down everything. But do yourself a favor and just do it for one day. It will be an absolute eye opener.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #13: Learn to love water
Perhaps the most overlooked causes of weight gain, the liquids you consume can deceptively pack on a ton of calories. Just a can of soda contains close to 150 calories. A grande mocha Frappuccino contains a whopping 420 calories. Drink a soda and a Frappuccino every day and you will gain a pound a week.
Because we can so easily and carelessly gulp down beverages without a second thought, liquid calories are more harmful. Fruit juices are no better. They all contain naturally occurring fruit sugar, fructose, which like all other sugars if consumed in excess will result in weight gain. One of the quickest ways to lose weight is to always choose water over all other beverages. Water has zero calories and is a natural source of hydration for our bodies. By simply replacing all your other sugary laden beverages with water, you will quickly be able to see weight loss results.
How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #14: Limit alcohol consumption
I know it is almost impossible to completely abstain from alcohol. But if your goal is to find the fastest way to lose weight, then you have to cut down on your happy hours. Alcohol is a toxic substance with absolutely no nutritional benefit whatsoever. What's more, each gram of alcohol contains 7 calories. A few glasses of cocktails with its sugary mixers can easily pile on at least 1000 or more calories a night. You should also know that alcohol is an appetite stimulant. So don't be surprised if you feel hungry after a night of partying. Of course this leads to additional calories into your body that you don't need. If you are focusing on building muscle, excessive alcohol lowers your testosterone and increases cortisol levels (stress hormone) thereby reducing your body's ability to build muscle effectively.

The 2 Week Diet Plan To Quickly Lose Weight Review

This 2 Week Diet Plan review has just become the trend in 2018 due to it's effectiveness giving you the best results on massively losing weight in a short amount of time. I have recommended this product to most of my clients and all I've ever heard is those dozens of success stories being emailed to me, I was actually thinking that there might be some negative responses on how this product gave them results but surprisingly i haven't encountered one negative comments on my clients.

To all the products I've recommended, this is the only product where I've gain insurmountable positive feedbacks on how they lose too much weight in this short amount of time. Surely motivation and persistence is also a key factor on effectively losing weight but with this 2 week diet plan combined the results are just MINDBLOWING!

Note that this page is only for the review of this 2 Week Diet Plan, you may find more effective weight loss tips on the home page of this blog.

Here are some important points you can gain inside this diet plan.

It gives you a complete look at the science behind gaining and losing weight, so you can finally follow straightforward, precise step by step instructions to burn away stubborn body fat.
Get a super-simple plan for keeping weight off. Pounds lost with this system are pounds lost forever. No more yo-yo dieting. No more disappointing, magically appearing body fat. Live your life normally…without worrying about backsliding
If you don’t have time for the gym every day, don’t stress. This Diet Plan was created specifically for people with busy schedules who need a practical workout routine that they can follow at home—or anywhere else.

You could learn more about this product by clicking here to watch a detailed video of it.

Best Fat Burner Exercises

Nowadays a lot of us tend to go for pills or other forms of weight loss and fat burner products in order to lose weight, some even go to the extreme of starving in order to achieve that aims. However do you know that you need not go to that extent in order to lose weight, but that you can actually lose weight through finding the best fat burner exercises for yourselves? Think of an exercise or activity that you enjoy doing for at least half an hour a day that makes you sweat such as cycling, swimming, brisk walk or even some other sports that you practiced regularly. Jogging or even playing with your children is also a good form of fat burning exercise as it is a form of regular program as leisure activities. Just bear in mind that weight loss exercises need not be extremely difficult or strenuous but that you have to work every day in order for results to show. Engaging in some exercises not only helps you lose weight but also improves your overall health and lowering the risk of developing heart related problems.
It is very common for you to come across tons of fat burner exercise programs in any magazine or all over the Internet nowadays, but you have to accept the fact that patience is the key to success. Whatever types of exercises you choose that claims to burn fat , you have to start slowly to allow your body to adapt to the new activity that they are engaging in so that you won't give up because of the effort you have to suffer. The easy way to start a weight loss exercise program without stressing out oneself is by beginning the exercise for 10-20 minutes a day at least four times a week. Maintain this regime for around two months whereby you can gradually increase the duration to 20-40 minutes every day, at least four times a week as well. In this way, the body will be able to burn its extra supplies of fat. Other than patience being an important factor to fat burner exercises, motivation plays an important role as well. Think of the reasons that motivate you in losing weight, whether it is for having a healthier body or a better sculptured body, it can be decisive.
If you happen to be the kind that doesn't like those exercises such as jogging, swimming or cycling, you may want to take up walking as your kind of fat burner exercises. Remember to do warm up for 5 minutes and then take a power walk for around 15 minutes alternated with a similar period of slow walk and before you end, please warm-down so that your body can recover from the effort. As usual to other types of fat burning or weight loss exercises, repeat the program for a certain period of time before moving on to increase the amount of exercises. Always stay active and refrain from being a couch potato as many people always have the wrong thinking that by exercising for 15-20 minutes a day, they can relax and laze around for the rest of the day.

How To Lose Belly Fat Without Significant Weight Reduction

Do you want to lose belly fat without weight reduction? You may be one among those who has a lean body and the only problem you have with respect to fat is the presence of fat on your tummy. A fat belly does make you look overweight even if the rest of your body is thin. Well, you can get rid of that fat while managing to keep your weight more or less the same. All you have to do is follow the directions given below.
1. Do Not Starve - Starving is not the way to lose belly fat. It is the shortcut to losing all your body fat and muscle mass and even ending up with a nutrition problem. Hence eat enough food, as much as you always have, or you will become underweight and ill.
2. Eat More Fiber and Protein - Do not drastically reduce your calorie or carbohydrate. But enrich your food with protein and fiber rich food such as vegetables, oats, and wheat. This type of food won't help you lose belly fat but will keep you away from putting on more fat and is also very healthy.
3. Do Cardio Exercises - You could go biking, walking etc. While they do not help to lose stomach fat, they will prevent both weight gain and weight loss. They are also good for the system.
4. Do Yoga or Pilates - These exercises will tone up your abdomen and help you lose tummy fat. In fact yoga will help you lose fat all over your body, but if you eat well (according to your appetite) then your weight will remain the same. Plus you will be healthy.
5. Live an Active Lifestyle - A sedentary lifestyle is almost always the culprit as far as belly fat is concerned. You could lose belly fat by taking small walks in between your desk hours, by walking for some time after your meals, by not sitting at your desk for long durations at a stretch etc.

The Secret Method To Lose Belly Fat Without Exercising
Click here to know the secret on effectively losing your belly fat even without reducing your calorie intake.

Quickest Ways To Reduce Belly Fat Without Exercise

If you're trying to reduce a fat belly without exercise you'll need to make the best use of the fat burning tools left in the tool box. Optimizing diet content and structure will be necessary to get the best results.
Is It Possible Without Exercise?
Trying to lose fat without exercise is definitely not the most efficient path, but it is possible to lose a considerable amount of body fat with diet alone.
Because you won't be utilizing a specific behavior (exercise) designed to mobilize and burn fat cells, you'll need to be extra diligent with your diet and the food you eat. If you don't exercise, and don't significantly change your eating habits losing fat will be incredibly difficult.
If you're trying to lose belly fat through diet and nutrition alone, then you should consider utilizing some form of fasting to get the most from your efforts. You can get good results through either short-term fasting (14-16 hours) or more elaborate fasting programs that last days or weeks.
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is the practice of separating your day into either eating, or no eating blocks. You would designate 12-16 consecutive hours of each day as your fasting period and would avoid all calorie intake during this period.
Once the short-term fast ends you would then consume all of your allotted daily calories in the remaining hours of the day. How you determine your fasting schedule is very flexible, which allows tailoring the fast to your current lifestyle and habits.
Your sleep cycle is considered part of the fasting period, so you can choose to eat a late night meal then have your first solid food around noon the next day if you're a night person.
Juice Fasting
Juice fasting is exactly as it sounds. The only calories you consume come from freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables. The fast usually last for several days or weeks depending on your goals.
The juice fast has proven beneficial as a cleansing process, because it eliminates a lot of processed food many would normally eat. When on a juice fast it's important to supplement your vitamin and mineral intake to compensate for the lack of solid food.
You'll also want to begin using a fiber supplement to offset the missing fiber from all the fruit juice you'll be drinking.
Junk Food Detox
If fasting is too extreme, or simply too inconvenient, you can begin losing weight through a junk food detox. The term "junk food", is actually pretty liberal and would include many of the processed food you'd find in your cupboard.
Try to reduce or eliminate any food that does not look like real food found in nature. If it comes in a can or any type of box, it's likely processed to the point of being junk food.
The reason you want to avoid processed food during your detox is to avoid all added sugar found in these types of food. Instead, stick mainly to a protein source of your choice with a healthy dose of fresh vegetables.
Using Supplements
There are supplements you can use to give you more energy, and there are supplements you can use to suppress appetite. There isn't, however, a reliable over the counter supplement you can use to specifically burn fat without side effects.
Many of the "fat burners" sold in stores are simply caffeine pills that get your heart racing causing additional calorie burn. These can leave you feeling light headed, dizzy, and nauseous.
Adding a fiber pill to help curb appetite between meals is a safe, effective use of supplements that will yield positive results.

I recommend using Red Detox Tea if you are considering of taking in some supplements as it is the most effective supplement on losing weight.
How Long Will It Take?
The time needed will depend on your starting point. The more belly fat to lose, the longer it will take. Avoiding exercise removes a very large portion of the fat burning equation from your arsenal. It can literally cut your fat loss efforts in half, while avoiding exercise.
Some choose this path because of age, and others because of injury. While losing body fat can absolutely be done through diet alone, the more realistic you are about the time needed to accomplish your goal in this manner the better off you'll be.
Quick weight loss results without cardiovascular exercise is unlikely, and will leave you feeling disappointed if those are your expectations
Most Effective Food Supplement To Quickly Burn Your Belly Fat

Click here to watch the video secret of the most quickest and effective way of burning your belly fat that has been proven and tested time and time again.

Effectively Reduce Belly Fat Through Exercise And Diet

How to reduce belly fat has always been something to do with the kind of foot you eat and the kind of exercise you are engaging with. So if you really are willing to have that flat tummy like super stars, be serious with your diet and exercise and always get motivated. Read and learn in this article.
Scenario: finished your last day of the week work, friends texted/called you, "Hey girl, meet you tonight", you remembered, "What the heck! Today is Friday!" You went to your room and picked some clothes. You're very excited with the party. Excited you are, got your shirt and you zipped your pants. Unfortunately, thanks to the sodas and basket of chips you had, zipping your pants was a real struggle! It was like trying to moving two mountains together. You felt sad, dismayed, and your self-esteem was buried six feet below the ground.
I know you don't want this kind of scenario. I know you want to go out partying with your pants zipped properly and able to breathe properly. I know you want to wear those body fit clothes and dresses. I know because I know how it feels. A bloated belly, pot belly, beer belly, spare tires, they may say, looks bad but I have good news! That apple shaped body of your will turn into a 12 ounce bottle. Just follow these simple steps, and those extra fat of your will be fat no more.
You will be surprised to know that the finest way to reduce belly fat is to eat right and exercise regularly. Most fitness experts would say that the fastest way to burn off that pot belly of yours is combining eating the right food and exercises.
Exercise 101
Don't slouch! Slouching will make you stomach pooch. Do yourself a favor and try to practice proper posture while standing and sitting. Make sure your neck, back, and heels are all aligned.
You would not believe me If I will tell you that hundreds of crunches will not work. Yes, it won't! The best way to lose it is to have a consistent schedule of exercise. The best exercise of brisk walking. Do brisk walking every day around an hour. You may also do aerobics exercises. Lose the fat first then do the strengthening and the tightening part later, which are the crunches. The harder and the intensified you exercise, the more belly fats you burn.
Combine you exercise with proper diet which will be discussed in here. Actually, you only have to eat foods that are rich in fibre (which will prolong the hunger and will make you eat less), low fat dairy products, lean meat (which has lesser fats and healthy as well) and fish, added with lots of fruits and vegetables. It's quite simple right? Losing those fats is very simple and has its sip le ways. The only problem we have is that we are tempted by the edibles we see, thus, gaining more and more of that flabbiness.

The Most Effective Way to Lose Weight Quickly - Get Started and Get Your Confidence Back

Crash dieting and heavy exercising is certainly not  the most effective way to lose weight quickly . Rather it can consequent in some...